Governors Training
Autumn Term 2022/2023
Autumn Term 1
Induction for New Governors
Raising the Game: Governor training -diversify your governing body
Raising the achievement of pupils with English as an Additional Language
Financial Management for Governors
The Strategic Role of Governance
School Budget Pressures – the role of governors
The Effective Chair
Autumn Term 2
Lambeth governors’ Pupil planning
How to be an Ally – Challenging your own preconceptions, biases and actions
Governors and Ofsted: what you need to know
Governance and new Ofsted inspection framework
Data for beginners
Workshop for chairs and vice chairs
Lambeth Governors’ Forum Open Meeting – Narrowing The Gap
SEND4Change: Shaping the future for Lambeth’s most vulnerable young people
PREVENT e course
Raising the Game with Sharon Warmington from the National Black Governors Network
Cyber Security Training
Spring Term 2022/2023
Spring Term 1
Ofsted & the Inspection Data Summary Report
Virtual Workshop: What is the Inspection Data Summary Reports telling us?
Virtual Workshop: How we teach Phonics & Reading
SIA Ofsted Review Workshop
Safeguarding for Governance
Looked After Children
SEND Governors
Lambeth briefing on Covid in Schools
Spring Term 2
The Schools White Paper 2022: what does it mean for governance?
Developing a Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategic Approach for Governors, Lambeth Governors’ Forum
Digital Safeguarding Responsibilities for Governors
Lambeth Governors Forum – school rolls and pupil place capacity
Lambeth Governors Forum – school funding
Relationship, Sex and Health education
Lambeth Governors’ Forum Open Meeting – Planning for Change
Taking the Chair – Leading the Governing Board and its Committees Pts 1 and 2
How governors can support education for looked after and vulnerable children
Summer Term 2022/2023
Summer Term 1
SIA Ofsted Training Workshop
Phonics Training
Governor anti-racist training
Cybersecurity Training for Schools LGFL
Summer Term 2
Lessons from Lockdown: The Impact of the Covid Pandemic on teaching and learning
Moss and Professor Sam Duncan, Institute of Education
Racial Literacy – how to challenge your leaders
Safer recruitment e-learning course
Link governors
Financial Management for Governors